PureComponent vs Component in React

Why use React.PureComponent ?

PureComponent is one of the lesser known apis built into React. Today let's see what it does and common cases of when to use it.

React.PureComponent is similar to React.Component. The difference between them is that React.Component doesn’t implement shouldComponentUpdate(), but React.PureComponent implements it with a shallow prop and state comparison.

It's a performance optimization technique. Luckily its simple to implement. Let's see an example:

I create two components Parent and Child.

Parent has a state of counter and message. It renders Child and passes message as a prop to it. See the code below: I used class components for the sole reason to console.log how many times each component will render.

If you run this example you will notice that both logs "parent render" & "child render" are run EVERYTIME we update the state by incrementing the counter on Parent.

However, message never changes. So there is no reason for Child to be re-rendered every time. This is where PureComponent comes into play.

Switch Child to extend PureComponent.

PC will make a shallow comparison of props and state. If they have not changed - no re-render will occur. Try to run the same example - you will see when updating the counter - only Parent logs - Child is not logging anymore as it is not changing.

The difference in this example is tiny and won't make a difference but in scenarious when Parent renders multiple children it might be worth to implement. Thank you!


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